Over the years, we have explored and succeeded with many types of gardening methods, theories and ideas.. Some were successful, some were dismal failures.

This is the Mittleider  gardening method.  This method has been outlined in the Mittleider method of gardening course book and is a recommended source of knowledge, practice and method for successful gardening, not to mention that it is also inspirational and will hopefully give you a kick start to creating and maintaining a varied garden which will remain weed free and give you all of the fruits and vegetables which will keep your family and maybe even the neighbors happy..

At any rate, you will be the envy of all around and will derive a great sense of pride in your “green thumb” accomplishments.

So, grab your spade, rake and planting tools and head on over to page 2 for this inspirational tutorial: 

Following the methods outlined, should give you an abundant harvest with minimal effort

Please comment and let us know what your results were :  success as well as failure..

Also let us know if you made modifications more appropriate you your geographic location, soil and climate..

Enjoy !!

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